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Chinese New Year Traditions from Sunfood's Human Resources Manager, Zane

Chinese New Year Traditions from Sunfood's Human Resources Manager, Zane

Feb 3rd 2022

Chinese New Year is upon us. 2022 - the Year of the Tiger - couldn’t have come at a better time when it appears a tiger is just what we all need. The tiger stands strong with courage, bravery, and resilience.

Outside of the pandemic, which affected us all, 2022 brought some pretty interesting news for my family. It’s the year I was diagnosed with cancer. After the clouds of emotion settled into acceptance we chuckled at the irony and coincidence of working for a superfood company.

We encourage all our associates to utilize as many products, as often as they wish. I’ve been taking advantage of that generous offer trying as many different ways to incorporate superfoods into my everyday journey to remission.

Like so many others, this time of the year is extra special for our family. My grandfather is Cantonese from the Canton province, today it is known as Guangzhou. Growing up in the Pacific Northwest and connected to the Asian American community the Chinese Lunar New Year was a time for family bonding, honoring traditions, and lots of great meals together.

The color red carries deep significance in the symbolism of this holiday; it means prosperity, good fortune, good luck, vitality, and celebration.

I remember fondly Grampa passing out those little red envelopes with a few bills tucked inside. One for each member of the family, he had them hidden in his pockets. Red banners flew in the breeze throughout the streets, red flowers, and celebratory dragon dances everywhere you looked were visual representations of inspirations and traditions. As an adult, with a family of my own, we celebrate a little differently than when I was a kid. This year it’ll be all about the pancakes! We’ll be making vitamin and flavor-rich Goji Powder pancakes with a Pomegranate Powder mousse.

I think it’s fair to say there are moments in our lives where we need a little more courage, a little more bravery, and resilience. For me, the year of the Tiger couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time where surely I’ll need some bravery. As my family and I battle with cancer we’ll be embodying the spirit of the Tiger and walk courageously through 2022.

From our family to yours Happy Chinese Lunar New Year! 


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    Sunfood's "Natural Solutions" does not promote or suggest natural cures, natural healing or natural remedies for any disease, disorder or ailment thereof. This information should be treated as educational material gathered and discovered from various studies, clinical trials, and customer reviews. It is designed to encourage healthy lifestyles and independent conclusions in regard to natural products and alternative health choices. It is best to consult with your healthcare practitioner before attempting any form of natural cure, natural healing or natural remedy to any health issues.

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